Member-only story
Personal Transformation is Possible.
I’ve tried a lot of health and fitness things over the years. My problem has always been that I tend to go crazy with something once I learn about it.
That usually means I go all out for a week or two but then I quit. I’ve had dozens of reasons for quitting. I didn’t have the time. I’m too busy. I need some recovery time. That costs too much. All legit reasons, of course. LOL
A few years ago, I talked my wife, Angie, into working out with me. It was a thing where you do one set of a few exercises to total muscle failure. it’s a killer.
Well, she did it once and cussed me out the next morning when she woke up and couldn’t move. Then swore that she would never work out with me ever again! And she hasn’t.
Last year, Angie and I both decided we had to do something different if we are going to live to be 120. We plan on living that long, and who wants to do that alone? I have to admit, it helps when your partner has the same goal as you do but it is still possible without that.
There is a friend of mine that asked me what I did. So, I told her.
The rest of her family isn’t on board with her. But she is doing it anyway.
She’s lost 31 pounds since she started. I would tell you her name, but she doesn’t know I’m talking about her.