Does being a better Grandpa than I was as a dad mean coughing on a banana split???
I used to be one of those real estate agents that takes their phone with them 24/7. If it rang at 2am, I answered it. If it rang while I was on the beach during a vacation, I answered it. If it rang while I was in the shower, I answered it.
I don’t get paid by the hour, only results, and those results usually come from a phone call. I was afraid that I might miss out on a deal, so I answered it.
As I got older, I realized I was missing out on things that were more important than a sale.
I can’t go back and ignore those calls that interrupted family time now. But maybe I can be a better Grandpa than I was a dad.
My oldest granddaughter randomly texts me, from her mom’s phone, “I love you Grandpa.”
So, I picked her up at the boys and girls club the other day and we went to get a banana split. She’s sitting there giggling and playing with the chocolate and picking out the peanuts. She told me that her favorite part is the pineapple.
Then she coughed right on the ice cream and told me “You eat some Grandpa, we are posed to be sharing.” Then my phone rang.
I could have used that call as an excuse not to eat the coughed-on ice cream. Do you think I answered it?
Hell no, a few germs won’t kill me.
Instead, I took a spoon and ate a big scoop of chocolate banana split. Then I smeared the whip cream on her chin and we both giggled.
I learned my lesson. Maybe I missed a sale. But I didn’t miss the moment that will never come again.